part 4 the pituatry git

I figured enough event's and time had passed since I wrote my last blog thing, I'm sat with toki cat sat on my side, a few deliveries arriving today, toki has one of those donut things around her neck,  she has a dirty habit of pulling out her fur, but somehow she manages to get to the base of her tail, and she has bald patches on her lower back, what a silly bitch, we've tried to give her all sorts of things to stop and she is well loved, so no reason for her to be doing it, this is where I wish animals could talk

Anyway, whilst I wait for the different deliveries to arrive, I'm writing this and listening to one of many playlists, this one is labelled faves, so far I've heard:
Pot kettle black by Tilly and the wall, I first heard it watching the movie whip it, I love anything with Juliette Lewis in! 2nd track was the boss lady Dallas frasca with her track today, I have a t-shirt I've not yet worn as my neck is still swollen to George corpse grinder proportions, more on that in a bit
3rd track was caught up in you by 38 special, that was in the whip it soundtrack too, but I do like that band anyway, and at this moment in time, heart crazy on you is playing, music is one of the best healers 

So, stuff that has been happening, my prolactin levels have been fine, but I've been having periods that last 2 weeks, heavy and tiring, I had a blood test to see if I was anemic, but that came back fine, other blood tests have shown kidney function has lowered, so unexpected stuff happening, when they are looking for one thing, something else seems to crop up! 5 GP's later, and I've finally seen one who listened and cared properly, it's been more than 6 months now that I've been trying to find an answer to why my neck is so swollen, every doctor is able to feel the swelling, but nothing comes back conclusive, an ultrasound came back normal, one GP said I should wait until I see my endocrinologist again, as he suspected  a few things: calcified saliva glands/saliva stones, sjogrens , Cushing's, swollen lymph nodes, all to which with blood and urine tests have come back fine, which is frustrating, as no  answer is concerning, it could be months untill I see my endocrinologist, she's the specialist who deals with the pituatry git, he'll be having a scan later this year, I've even given it a  gender now, it's got a cock and balls now lol I like to give my pituatry gland wee tumour a character, makes it less terrifying, hopefully he's not grown and is just hanging in there, but how long am I supposed to put up with his shit for!?!? Anyway, I had new pains in my back, I remember waking up one morning, and it was near impossible to get up and walk, I yelped in pain, it was a frightening experience as if all at once, someone had kicked me and stuck a knife just above my bum. No matter how I sat, I was crying in pain, no matter how I stood, sat, lay down, I was screaming In agony, the last time I felt anything like it was when I got knocked over by a car, and that was probably the most pain I've ever felt in my life physically. As leaning forward provided a small amount of relief, I put it down to a slipped disk, and used my walking stick to get around the house, and tried phoning the doctors 8am every morning, to get an appointment, thinking, maybe I can see if they'll see me about my neck still being swollen too, and also might it be connected to the pituatry git!?!
3 days later of being called number 58 in the queue or whatever, I managed to get an appointment, a name I'd not seen before, and I'd get my lovely partner and love of my life to come in with me, as he's worried it's always best he comes in with me anyway. Wow, she was polite and actually listened, which is rare, it's not much to ask is it! 
I'll get to what's going on in with the back but she was concerned with my neck, seeing as it had been for over 6 months, she put through a fast track for Cancer, I'd be seen within 2 weeks, and I now have an appointment for a 3d scan on my neck and referral to ear nose and throat, quite why any of the other GP's over the past few months and my endocrinologist when I seen her would think maybe this is something that should be done, I have a morbid fear of cancer since I lost my mum and dad to it after being an unpaid carer for them and lost a lot of family and friends to it too in it various guises, she also fast tracked me through for a scan on my back to rule out anything sinister in my spine, potentially something to do with nerves there, but hopefully nothing sinister but best to be Safe rather than sorry,  scary to have suspected Cancer x 2, but it's not the 1st time, been diagnosed with hiatus hernia, diverticular disease, and this pituatry git, all more easy to treat than that dreaded c word, hopefully 4th and 5th time turn out to be not c word, I have everything crossed, I'm terrified, but only thing I can do is just go for it! I'm currently receiving Therapy for past traumas, after 6-7 years of being on a waiting list, I finally get treatment! Also, less sinister, but mega painful, I have had recurring ingrown toenails on both big toes, so both nails are being removed permanently , if anyone thinks that's nothing, you've never had an ingrown toenail, it's a pain you can feel all through you body, just waiting for that wee op to come through, I've got a pair of sandals ready for that procedure, they are not the most attractive pair of shoes you've ever seen, they are in no way a pair you'd wear to a club, so I ironically call them my stripper pole shoes, I really don't like getting my feet out in public but needs must as both toes are going to be bandaged up and can't walk around barefoot in Cumbria as it's always piddling down! Then in other news, due to my larger than should be mega neck, I've been snoring like a bull, they suspect sleep aponea, I was blissfully unaware of it, it was my partner who got to witness me stopping breathing in my sleep and choking, it's about a 12 week wait, to see the sleep aponea clinic, so just waiting for an appointment, finger's crossed under the UK's new Labour government it can sort out the NHS for everyone, it's a precious service, and I want to say if people have problems to go speak to your local MP, nothing gets resolved if you don't speak up! Hopefully in another 6 months, everything will be sorted!?! Just for the sake of saying, none of this is whinging, I want to write it Incase it helps others and also puts it all in one place so people know what's going on, but one thing I'm mildly annoyed about is I said on new year's eve my aim is to see the Doc's as little as possible, dammit!!!
I hope also that Labour get less flack in 6 months or so or whatever timeline til I next blog, one day in and people where kicking off, give them a bloody chance!!!! Also, tell me, if you are one of these reform UK or Tory voters, what exactly are the benefits of Brexit?that's rhetorical lol 
