I'm finding I'm getting more and more infuriated by the whole cancel culture (I'm going to say it...) Trend. Getting offended by anything and everything, in my humble, it's a dangerous silppery slope. Now already, I can feel people getting offended left right and centre by that opinion, and that's exactly what it is, an opinion, everyone has one, and these days, if your opinion doesn't match someone else's, you are wrong, no such thing as agreeing to disagree anymore, you are now the worst person on the world and 'cancelled' .
I decided to write this today after seeing a tweet I nearly replied to, but I knew, if I gave my opinion, it would have rather severe consequences, potentially to my YouTube art channel, now, that's the thing I'm finding, I'm treading on eggshells, so as not to offend, not knowing if what I'm going to say or do will offend, I'm not having that anymore, maybe a hand gesture, something on my desk, the music I use, a word I say, could get my channel took down, and I'm finding that is affecting the old mental health, that's pretty dangerous don't you think!
So, this tweet I nearly replied to, I'm just going to come out with it. It was saying anyone who colours someone's skin colour the wrong shade, makes it lighter is racist and needs to Google how to colour skin tones, and stop white washing, well, a few points there....
1. Some people have very limited supplies, art supplies can be expensive
2. You have worked hard to develop your skills fair play, but who made you the new Tony Hart, God of art?
3. Not everyone may be as skilled as you
4. Alcohol markers can appear darker at first, then lighten when they dry, maybe that's why the skin tone looks lighter
5. The scanner they've maybe used or camera has made the piece lighter
That's just a few points there, but I could continue to add to that, that has also took some courage to upload a piece of work onto the internet, only for it to be critised by someone who has deemed selves as the upmost pinnacle of everything to know about art, as far as I'm aware, art is subjective, you can create whatever you want, why not make someone whatever skin colour you want, it's art, that's the beauty of it, it does not make that artist a complete racist, they are being creative, putting in rules of what you can and can't do in art, makes it awfully like treading on eggshells, plus no one can be the pinnacle of knowledge when it comes to art because it's something that you'll never stop learning with, and can continue to improve until your last breath, so stop with this toxic crap of telling people what they can and can't do because it offends your delicate sensibilities. All these people who are so fucking entitled, getting offended on other people's behalf, it's nuts, it's become a very dangerous fashion, there I've said it, it's a fashion, it needs to stop! You can do whatever you want to do, don't tread on eggshells for fear of offending people, you are only hurting yourself doing that, but ..anyone who hurts someone, and I mean physically and threatens someone because of their gender, or race and fuck right off and get in the bin, but colouring in with a limited selection of colour pencils, crayons or whatever limited art supply someone has, or experimenting with art and learning is not out to hurt someone or be a racist nazi bastard, I'm pretty damn sure of that! If anyone wants to be a complete dick to someone because they have a darker, or lighter skin colour is a complete tool, that I get offended by! Same with someone's gender or sexuality, it has sweet fanny Adams to do with anyone else really, be a good person, treat others how you want to be treated, be kind, that's more what I look out for, belittling someone because you think you are superior to them because of their education, skin colour, gender, sexuality, get to fuck, you nasty toxic piece of plop!
I've noticed the I'm offended brigade were out at one point to tell every artist who traces that they need to stop doing so, some notes there...
1. If they are directly copying someone else's art and selling it, I'm not down with that, though I'd point them in the direction of redbubble fan art, not such a bad thing eh! If it's someone just doodling in their sketch book lisecensed characters, get to fuck, leave them alone, practicing and that, if they are sketching something they've seen on Instagram and it's in their sketchbook, leave them, there's a thin line here, someone is directly copying your work, and then claiming it's there's, I say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, don't go all out and attack them, throw some praise their way! I've had something happen here, I drew a portrait of a collie dog, I got accused of plagerism, so I asked to see their work, in one piece, the dog was facing the other way and was a different dog, Same breed, another was in watercolour, I'd worked in colour pencil, again, Same breed could Tell it was a different dog, and then one was a collie on a mug, straight away could see they were totally different, not guilty your honour!
2. You can pick up on detail's you didn't see where there by tracing, excellent for newbies
3. It is a tool, not a cheat, even so, stop telling people what they can and can't do, who made you the pinnacle of all art knowledge!
Anyway, in a nutshell, I don't think I'm ever up for doing a Collab with any other art YouTubers, and neither do I want to, that may change! When people stop being so preachy, I may consider it! Art wise, have fun, practice, enjoy it, if you want to learn more about skin tones, learn from the masters, i mean Van Gogh, Rembrandt, Picassso, not some shit arse youtuber with 16400 subscribers, 99% of the time, it's the YouTubers personality why they have lots of subscribers, and can honestly say they are all pretty pally and ostracise others, rather toxic people, so don't think because someone's got a tonne of subscribers that they know everything, they don't, just a word of warning there, and not really very helpful is it to Google it, FFS, anyway, I'm having fun learning and I hope you are too you reading this, another thing thinking about that tweet, one wonders, who are they having a go at? May be imaginary, and they have plucked that out of thin air, to earn some woke points, oh go eat a bum nugget if so, I'm sure there's more to get ate up about in the world, people going hungry, homelessness, pollution, women getting their genitals mutated, and many more things that are worthy of campaining and getting raged about, our governments, fight for worthy causes, animals being mistreated, there, I even read that there's such a thing as right handed privilige now, oh fuck off!!! Wow, I've been left handed for 41 years now, and having some right handed getting offended on my behalf makes me want to laugh my head off, Netty cancelled in 3....2.....1....
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