So, over the past 3 or 4 years, I've noticed a lot of people have been treating me like something they've stepped in and wiped off their shoe, and it's about time I set the record Straight, because it is blatantly obvious that only 1 side of the story has been told. I will go back to the beginning of this for clarity. My mum's side of the family are very toxic, so toxic, I now have nothing to do with them. My dad was onto it from the beginning when one of mum's sisters said she had followed my dad home and the flats he was in had women's coats hanging outside it, this was while my parents were courting, it turned out, she had gone to a different flat, but that kind of accusation could of split them up. There was constant battling between my mum and her 2 sisters, all based on lies, one of her 2 brothers believed he Could talk to spirits and when my mum started doing it too, it made her very ill, straight after her father's death, her cousins popped up out of nowhere, and they seemed to get her at a very vulnerable time. She ended up bring sectioned, that ended up bring in double figures the amount of times she was, and all the way through it, it seemed like there was no regard or care for my father's or my own health, I hate to talk about this and never have, but contemplated suicide mutiple times, that's hard to write because I feel no one knew, and no one cared. Social services with my mum's mental health came first and lumped the burden on me, she would phone me up in work saying her brother was coming there to give me a injection that would kill me, she'd say there was allsorts of disasters happening, and it was all in her head, to her, it was very real that her brother was communicating with her, but to everyone else, it was insane, it drove me into a depression, I had a very sick sense of humour, probably to get some sort of attention, people thought I was mad , but the whole time, I feel no one really cared to know what was actually going on. My Aunty came back on the scene, not long after mum's dad passed away, and she was on a one woman mission to make my life a misery, she wanted mum All to herself, tried to stop her taking her meds, said my dad was an abuser, not long after that, mum had gone for a walk around 5am, with no shoes or clothes on, crading a bunch of towels, the police found her walking near the motorway, she said my dad had kicked a baby out of her, and that dad had murdered me. Dad and me woke up to the police knocking on the door, I heard a knock at my bedroom door with an officer saying 'Annette, are you In there are you OK?' I couldn't speak from being shocked and woken up, so I opened the door and they breathed a sigh of relief, and the officer hugged me, I was completely confused what the hell was going on, they told me they were expecting to find a murdered bloody mess, and told me how they'd found my mum, I went to walk down the stairs, and there's my dad in hand cuffs with an officer holding his head against the wall, i screamed at them to let him go, I can still picture that in my head and my eyes fill with tears, he was in the beginning of his cancer diagnosis, and i can see how frightened he was. We were all sat in the living room and gave our side of things, my dad is not the rapist or abuser, or murderer my mum was accusing him of, she was sectioned again, and because she wasn't telling doctors the full picture, they would give her the wrong meds, which did more harm than good. One of the meds was a side effect tablet, which made her see more things that weren't there, and made her hands shake, which imitated parkinsons, she was on a diabetic injection, which she would not let me administer, and she would be stabbing herself everywhere, and her fingers were bleeding from missing her stomach, eventually she trusted me to do this for her, but it was a mission to move her hands out the way, otherwise she would knock me and a few times the needle stabbed me, it was stressful to say the least. Her sister was not helping poking her nose in and telling me how to do everything, no matter what I did I was doing things wrong, but she was doing that a long time before mum's health was in this state, one time, mum and me went down the town and we were both relieved when we got to walk around by ourselves, if she was with us, she would be constantly listening in, then critiquing everything I said and did, and people wonder why i was sometimes a mute! It lead me to be like that, as if I said nothing, I couldn't say anything wrong, at some point I will blog as many of the things she did and said to make my life unbearable, it seemed she would guilt trip my mum into things, mum would be buying her expensive perfume gifts, clothes and hair cuts, yet, if my mum bought me a bottle of pop on my day off in a cafe, her sister would shout at me that I shouldn't be having the pop and tell mum that she should not buy me a drink, she was jealous of the bond mum and me had and that we were friends as well as mother and daughter, but she was adamant that should not be the case. Her 3 children no longer spoke to her, she had walked out on them, married another man she had been seeing, and to this day as far as I'm aware they no longer wanted to speak to her, I found 2 of them on Facebook, they said that their mum had found their addresses, and wrote letters, the more letters were sent the nastier they got, because they didn't want to know. I was talking to a cousin that lived in the same town as me, he was on my side how toxic my mum's sister was, he got onto her following him around Asda, then she contacted his mum saying a bunch of lies about his whereabouts and that she had followed him, his mum smelt the bullshit straight away, and I'm glad I have at least 2 people who realise how toxic she is, she even made her neighbour move out, constantly making accusations that weren't true, she seemed to have it in for the girl, and she was doing it to me too! Apparently she lost her legs, and as much as that's a horrible thing that I wouldn't wish on anyone, it does seem like a bit of karma, and I'll tell you for why. She moved in next door to us, which was unbearable, at first mum thought it was bliss, but soon came to realise how vile her sis was. She would constantly let herself in, which would put us on edge, she would stand at her back door as well and shout 'you're no carer, I'm going to report you' and mumble a load of incoherent cabbage at me, she would hear our back door open, and she would be there like a shot, shouting her head off, then she would say I was being Rude to her, she had a way of turning things around to make her look good! Anyhow, my dad had got sick of her letting herself in, and shouting her head off stomping in the house, I broke down in tears when dad and me were there and told him all the nasty things she had said and done, he said all her bitterness was showing In her face, how quite pretty she used to be, but now, she was rather ugly, and that he was really confused about what she had against me as I was helpful and did everything I could for him and mum and that he never needed to ask for anything as I gave them everything they needed, I looked after all the finances, nursed them, and loved them and he couldn't fathom why she was being so horrible, the penny dropped when i told him that her 3 children didn't speak to her and what she had done to them, and he was onto it that she was jealous of the bond mum, him and me had, we were a unit, who worked together and cared for each other, and she was doing everything she could to tear that apart, she was even messaging my friends and family (dad's side) to find out things about me and try to ruin my life, and friends and family that she would see down the town of mine, would either come to me and ask strange things like that she had told them I was expecting, or that I had cancer and also that I was a paedo, sone people I knew were even avoiding eye contact with me, but that could be for another reason which I will explain in the 2nd part of this blog, to do with old workmates. Anyway, mum's sister barges in the house one day, claiming that I was ringing her and leaving messages on her phone, it wasn't the case, as I didn't have her number, mum had been ringing her, and her answer phone was on, mum had left a few answer phone messages saying to ring her back and was she alright, dad had been fast asleep on the couch, he was always exhausted from his dialisys treatment, which anyone reading this if you've had it will understand, it is very exhausting, and everything else that comes along with it, plus he was having all the effects of chemo and several other issues, all he needed was peace and quiet, but he wasn't getting it with this psycho just Letting herself in and shouting her head off, and now he was clued up on what was happening, things were about to change. She was accusing me of these voice messages as we know were fabrications and dad shouted at her to stop, got to shout because she didn't seem to recognise any other level of talking, so dad said to play the messages, sure enough, it was mum saying why was the phone switched off and was she OK, and to ring her ASAP, dad and mum both argued that it wasn't me, it was mum speaking, but her sister wouldn't have it, and played all of the messages, and wouldn't you know it, low and behold they were all my mum saying to ring her back, at last, I had mum and dad on my side, dad told her to leave me alone, and that I was alright, I was helpful and I had done nothing wrong, mums sis (notice how I never call her Aunty, how can I call someone like that an Aunty!) and to get the hell out of the house and never come back, well, for soneone who had crippling arthritis or whatever she had diagnosed herself with this month saying that it felt like she was wading through treacle walking, she sure did move fast when dad told her to beat it, to put it politely! Dad calmly told mum not to bother with her sister, and she explained how her sis was wanted her to move in next door with them, and to get dad and me in trouble, that we were abusers, and it annoys the hell out of me to think how many people have fallen for her lies, those that know me best will know I'm none of the things she says about me, which leads me to another person, one i used to work with! I had worked in a cinema with a large group of people around about the generation under me, I'm just before the cut off for gen x, and these were mostly millenials, but there was the odd one or 2 that were older and mature, do you get the scene, it was like Holly oaks with all the teen drama going on! I left there to work in a supermarket giving out free samples of biscuits or cheese or whatever brand needed promo, then went to work in a factory, because it was better pay and more regular, then, I had to leave one day, while working I was also looking after my dad when my mum couldn't as she had womb cancer so needed to help her a lot, mum had Fallen and broken her elbow, so it was either stay at work and worry about how mum and Dad were, or leave to look after them full time, so I did the latter, as that meant I wouldn't be contstanly worrying about dad struggling in his wheelchair. Anyhow, I had an accident, a bad one, I got run over, I was bashed up and had a damaged back, was in constant pain, but the hospital sent me home quickly after stitching up my head, in the ambulance they were worried that would happen so weren't keen to give me morphine, but as I was screaming in pain, they felt they needed to, and the inevitable happened, no xrays no looking at my back, or the wound on my leg they didn't see which became infected with a big hole in it, and now I have nerve damage in it, and walk with a stick, also, I have a damaged spine, and due to the neglegence of A+E as I was high as a kite, I was left with untreated damage with is now irreversible, I carried on doing my caring duties in agony, and have done even more damage, but little did I know untill I changed doctors and that was how I found out the real extent and also went to a private physio who found out more stuff that was wrong, i was in a rock and a hard place but carried on looking after my parents as there as no one else to help, I continued to get abuse shouted at me from next door everytime I went out the door, so I'd go around the front and sneek out that way, no way to live as I felt i was continually being watched.the worst thing that mum's sis said was when mum was in hospital having her hysterectomy. Mum was still ringing her sis up to try and talk to her, I wish she wouldn't of done that, mum seemed to want to make amends, but this one time, her sis answers the phone, and mum goes on to tell her about the treatment she's having and what happened, her sis is saying nothing. Mum then goes on to tell her I had had an accident and would she cut me some slack as I'd been rather badly injured... And her sis goes onto say, the car should of done a better job, and that's the moment it finally clicked with my mum that her sister was bad news! Well, the Christmas card list was getting shorter that's for sure, and as you can Imagine, my friend count started To drop, I needed to be there for my parents, I didnt want to begrudge my dad his ciggies, he had so much taken from him thaf if he wanted anything I'd do my upmost to help him, one of my friends was always making excuses to not come round, so I'd had enough and said why was she being like this, she told me my house was not a suitable environment for her daughter, quite what she meant by that I don't know, but I've never spoken to her since, and because of that, no one that was friends with her has spoken to me either, or when I seen them, they wanted to get away from me as quickly as possible, I wrote on Facebook I'd been in an accident, as I was aware that if anyone seen me, I looked like I'd been beaten up, plus, I couldn't walk very far without being in complete pain, so to give a heads up, I wrote it on fb, not to gain sympathy, but incase anyone seen me looking a state, anyway, no one responded, apart from one of my brothers, who put 'you're joking' no I wasn't joking, I wouldn't joke about a thing like that, I started to delete people off it, then thought sod it and closed the account, I'd also shaved my hair off a few months before that, it had been growing very sparse in the middle, and had started falling out, I didnt know until a girl I knew had took a photo like a birdseye view of me and another friend, and there it was on fb for everyone to see, no one had told me, and I felt like a freakshow, it continued to get worse, so i turned it into a positive and raised money for charity and got it shaved off, what little there was on my bonce, I was fed up of doing a comb over, yes it had got that bad! I was working at the time in a factory and a lot of the staff gave money to the charity, we raised a lot of money! It was sad to think no one cared, I was basically on my own in this and no one to help, I seen a friend, the one who didn't want to come to my house, this happened before I'd got my head shaved and been ran over, anyhow, she was not as friendly to me as I'd not seen her in a long time, I was making my way across the carpark, and in a rush to get home and to the bus, with a load of shopping bags, so may of come across as a bit indifferent myself, I was constantly shattered from caring for both parents, anyhow, she had another old workmate with her and all I'm thinking about is getting home, as my mum needed help going to the toilet so in my head I'm trying to be polite but worrying about my mum and dad, she said something about M S, I thought she said she had a job at M and S, and she started to look at me like it farted on her presents under the Christmas tree, nope she had said she found out she got Ms (mutiple scoliosis) and from that moment on, she had blocked me on fb, and when I seen people from the same work place, they all seemed to treat me very differently, I don't know if it was because of that, or because I was never out anymore but things changed and I notice they still don't talk to me the same, I know I said about I needed to get home when I seen these 2 ladies and had previously said about people seeing me down the town and Couldn't get away quick enough, but something definitely happened that was said about me, one person even said they'd been told a more dramatic version of that event, so hell knows what's been said about me, but I've come to the conclusion that the good honest folk won't believe it and will tell me, so far, that's 1 person! So, not long after the accident, I'm trying to get around the town, having to stop a lot and rest, either because I'm in so much pain or my head is spinning, I still had a black eye and looked like Frankensteins monster at this point, anyway, a friend of the one who wouldn't come to my house seen me, and straight away she was talking to me as if I'm 4 years old, I hate that! 'areee yooouuuu ooookaaayyyy awwwwwweeee, can I hellllppp youuuuu!?' so I muttered no fuck off and walked away lol she seen me again and did the same condisending voice as if speaking to a toddler, I'm just thinking to myself, speak to me normal, I know I look weird with shaved hair and like as if I've had a few rounds with Mike tyson, but speak to me normal, I hate when people do that to old folk and disabled people, it's very dimishing! Anyhow, hell knows what she said about me, but I found my partner online, we are now engaged, when we were first speaking, and added each other on fb, he noticed I was in a photo with a friend he knew, he messaged her, and she told him a pack of lies about me, she is friends with friend who wouldn't come to my house as well, anyway, he was confused and thought 'that's not my netty, she's nothing like that' at last, someone who knew they could come to me and tell me and trusted that someone was telling a load of lies about me, I can now count the number of friends I have on 1 hand, and I'm happy about that, All toxic people are riddled of and anyone reading this do it, even if they are family, do it, you'll be healthier and happier!
I want to add a few things to contact at the bottom of this blog should it be of help, it's my way of turning negatives into positives and I wrote these in the hope that they help people and the right person will see them and feel that similar has happened to them and feel happier and like they are not alone ❤️
National suicide prevention line
Macmillan nurses
MIND mental health
kidney research
I hope they all help have tried to include something related to every topic in this blog, thanks for reading it x
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