that hurts

One thing i dread is people thinking I'm feeling sorry for myself, but i can't help it if i have feelings, I'm human and not a robot. These past 2 weeks have been some of  the worst I've experienced, and I'm not ready to talk about why just yet, I've  told 2 people i trust, and then made the mistake of telling one person vaguely, and one person i thought might care, and being ignored, you know when you send a message and you can see who's read it and who hasn't bothered to even open a message, it's rather cruel in both cases, and I've not had much sleep over thinking what I've done or said wrong, and it's happening when I need to rest and i can't. Just think, if you don't like me or I've done sonething wrong, tell me, unfriend me, please stop being cruel. I'm not doing this to be a tit, i see the same people liking others posts, liking things I've posted and i can see when they've viewed my stories on Instagram, it cuts it really does! And I'm an emotional person, i am estranged from my family, no parents, they've both died, no family to confide in, the family i know exist don't care, they don't want to know, so please do the right thing and let  me know if you really don't like me, as at the moment, I need help and support, just if anyone reads this, please don't pry why, if i feel the need to tell you i will, if i have told you i trust you, and it kills that I'm being ignored, that's as best as I can put it, and i understand people are busy and will probably message when they have time, but just know, people can see when you've seen a message, and they can see when you've had the time to like someone's meme or you've even liked a post they've made, or viewed an Instagram story, and shit, does that sound stalky, no, I'm having a lot of those spammy accouts see my stories on Instagram so viewing who's seeing them so i can block them, and Facebook let's me know stuff via notifications, so if I've added someone as a friend, i want to keep up with them, sometines Facebook doesn't let me know and that's an arse too, but I'll apologise if I've not seen something, but at the end of the day, you know when people just aren't arsed at all, if you've had time to like a post, or see an Instagram story or posted a comment on a friend  in commons post, just know it takes about 30 seconds or less to say 'I'm busy but I'll reply as soon as i can Netty' and if I've done something wrong, just say, please, i can't stress that enough! 
